Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan says he knows how to win the hearts of women, be it by taking off his shirt or by going the extra mile to make them feel special. Recently Salman Khan held a screening of ‘Main Aurr Mrs Khanna’ exclusively for women! Salman watched the movie with Sohail Khan, Sajid-Wajid, Sanjana Jon and Prem Soni, the director of the flick. Salman claims women are on his side and he has the support of friends too. Actors Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgan, Sanjay Dutt, Govinda and Saif Ali Khan and brother Arbaaz Khan walked the ramp for his charity fashion show at HDIL India Couture Week 2009.
Salman said it was an amazing experience and his friends made it a success. But, after the show all of them walked back home happy. However, Katrina Kaif was an exception ; she wasn’t pleased. The reason was that in the show, Sallu had made her wear an outfit that had a painting of Salman on it! We’re told she didn’t appreciate it much though she enjoyed the rest of the show. Hope, Sallu is aware of it and dare not repeat it.
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